We can all be benefited from the great compassionate power of the Medicine Buddha's past vows.
If through this power, we should be freed from disease, calamities, misfortunes, and destitution!
The Medicine Buddha’s past vows
promise us abundant wealth, safety, great happiness, and good health.
We will be guarded by the blessing of Medicine Buddha’s miraculous power and shone through his pure, brilliant light!
The Great Medicine Buddha Frees Us from All Diseases and Sufferings.
The Great Medicine Buddha Eliminates Disasters, Prolongs Life, and Fulfills Wishes.
第一願 眾生皆可成佛
第二願 成就事業
第三願 生活不虞匱乏
第四願 安住大乘
第五願 戒行清淨
第六願 六根具足
第七願 不受貧病
第八願 具丈夫相
第九願 具足正見
第十願 解脫刑難
第十一願 飲食豐足
第十二願 物質生活所需,皆令滿足
The Ways of Cultivating Medicine Buddha’s Dharma and Their Meritorious Virtues
The ways of cultivating Medicine Buddha’s Dharma are thoroughly described in the Sutra of Medicine Buddha. There are four expediencies enumerated as follows:
(1) Invoking Medicine Buddha’s name.
(2) Make offering to him.
(3) Chanting the Sutra, lecturing upon it, explaining its meaning to others, and copying it.
(4) Reciting the Dharani.
In doing so, people who cultivates Medicine Buddha’s Dharma will gain extensive benefits as stated in the Sutra. To name just ten of them as follows:
(1) Swiftly attaining Buddhahood, as frequently mentioned in the Sutra.
(2) Setting those who follow heretical ways upon the path to Enlightenment and those who follow the Shravaka and Pratyeka-Buddha ways onto the Mahayana path.
(3) Retaining the purity of observing percepts even for those who are guilty of violating the precepts.
(4) Fulfilling all kinds of wishes, whether they are longevity, wealth, official positions, or the birth of sons and daughters.
(5) Being provided with an inexhaustible quantity of goods to meet all material needs.
(6) Being freed from all kinds of afflictions and terrors, including water, fire, knives, poison, banditry, rebellion, shackle, prison, etc.
(7) Being entitled to rebirth as men.
(8) Being relieved of sufferings during childbirth and the children born to them being endowed with sharp wit and intelligence, along with a healthy body.
(9) Being entitled to rebirth in any realm as they wish at the time of death.
a.Being return to the human world with abundant wealth.
b.Being reborn in the celestial realms and not being born again on the three evil paths of existence.
c.Being showed the way of rebirth in the Western Pure Land of Amitabha by eight great Bodhisattvas.
d.Being reborn in the realm of the Medicine Buddha.
(10) Being benefited from briefly hearing Medicine Buddha’s name - even for those who descend onto the evil paths – and being able to vanish from the evil paths to be born once more among humans, doing all kinds of goods so as to swiftly attain Buddhahood.
特色介紹 Awesome Features:
Exquisite and Realistic Painting Style
Boutique Aesthetic Design
High-quality & Eco-friendly Printing
Easy Page-turning & Soft Inside Pages
Brand-new Translation
林鉅晴 居士
Terry Lim
Using simple illustrations, the artist conveys the essence of Buddhism and the teaching of the sages to the new generation.
His creations include ‘The Pictorial Biography of Amitabha Buddha’ and ‘The Pictorial Biography of Shakyamuni Buddha’.
He received several awards:
The best extracurricular reading material for elementary and middle school students (Master Milarepa).
Little Sun award for extracurricular reading material for elementary and middle school students (Masters of Mi Zong).
National Institute of Compilation and Translation, best graphic novel, 4th place (Master Shen Hui).